Philosophers’ diamond
Философский бриллиант Sign
Philosophers’ diamond

_ 6 pages of philosophical truth altogether
Philosophers’ stone or the perfect formula.

- To be more exact it is the philosophers’ diamond polished to perfection.

- We are going to speak about bringing together and concentration of all
world’s philosophical trends in one formula. It is absolute to all that
surrounds us.
The mirror effect:
-Everything we do to the world, be it people, animals or nature, all our
actions are mirrored and return to us.
- Therefore, everything that is going on with us or around us at the
moment is what we deserve.
- This formula and all other world philosophies, various techniques, pieces
of advice, folktales, parables, medications, all kinds of perception and all
indicate that we need to pay attention to ourselves which will provide
merging with Universe and energy intake, - this is the truth, whereas MIND,
i.e. THOUGHTS distract us from ourselves and take away our energy.
– Such are the rules of the game…
- All things that surround us are bundles of energy forming the pressure of
energy flows towards us. – All we can do is just relax and concentrate on
ourselves enjoying the magic…
The only nuisance is our thoughts but only if we follow their consistency.
And do not strain to get rid of them, you will waste energy. Just let them pass
through your mind, look at them, feel them thoroughly whatever fearful they
can be; thus you will take their energy, and the thought will vanish into

- CONCSIOUSNESS – apart from being the center of perception of feelings
and sensations it is also a channel to the unlimited ocean of energy.

- Anything that our mind is focused on attracts energy.

- Primary energy is the most powerful: that is when the attention of one’s
mind is pointed at oneself.
- Secondary energy is somebody’s attention (you can become strongly
dependent on other people’s attention).
Pay attention to yourself and you will get answers to all your questions.

Pay attention to yourself and you will get rid of all illnesses.

Pay attention to yourself, and you will reach the desirable.

Pay attention to yourself and the others will pay attention to you.

Your feelings and sensations will help to do so.

But do not forget about the mirror effect -

You will get what you deserve.

Enrich yourself with life.


0 – CONSCIOUSNESS, zero, nothing, emptiness, ether, vacuum
Х - desire
Y – goal, the object of desire
R – mind (obstacle), thoughts

Now, in more details : -

0 – Consciousness, zero, nothing, emptiness. It is the source of energy
described in all world philosophies. Nothing, emptiness surrounds and
saturates the whole world; when you are doing nothing and when you
are not thinking about anything you are being charged with energy, i.e.,
when you are meditating, praying or just lying on the sofa and looking at
the ceiling.
описывается во всех философиях мира.

Х - desire. It comes from nowhere like a lightning between earth and skies,
i.e., between emptiness and mind. Desire makes everything in the world move.

Y – goal, the subject of desire.

R - mind. First of all it is thoughts, logical thinking and state when we are
thinking or trying to think; hence all anxieties, pride, vanity, jealousy, etc.
On the whole, mind is an obstacle for fast goal attainment. However life
without obstacles would be uninteresting. If we use mind as a correct logical
sequence it will be not just thinking but the tool creating matter and original
strokes of actions in the game called LIFE.
In this case mind is not present in the formula, consequently, desire will attain
goal by the shortest way. Also, with your permission, mind can be part of the
formula (which often happens); in such case the distance to goal will be long
but probably not uninteresting.
_Everything depends on you.

Since emptiness, energy, mind, desires and goal are all interconnected, desire
having a necessary amount of energy will automatically reach goal by the
shortest way.
Man as support point: focus your attention on yourself, on your feelings,
sensations, on your breathing, and painful sensations, if necessary.

- You do it to keep ENERGY and to enrich yourself with it.
MIND is a very serious tool, sometimes dangerous, but with its help one can
create beautiful things.
When you start using it, namely, logical thinking, there is a danger that it will
possess you. Then it is not you who will create but your mind will start
manipulating you.
Thoughts consume our energy and make us weak and sick.
Our happy life depends on rash actions.
The world is much simpler than we can think.
As long as man exists, there is WORLD, MIND, GAME, UNIVERSE.
Our life is a game, so play it.

It is impossible to avoid the battle; you can only delay it for your enemy’s
– Machiavelli 1502.
- Believe in yourself.
- Believe in yourself as you believe in GOD.
- This formula is a lighthouse in the fog of cognition.
- Thus, let’s sum up our potential.
- Now we know that man can do EVERYTHING without having any
special education or skill. What he needs is just energy plus desire.

- How to increase energy?: -
To do it you need to go into resonance with all possible impulse signals.
For example, when we are drinking apple juice and enjoy it we get our
pleasure, thus we draw the attention of our mind to ourselves, this means
that we went into resonance with the taste of juice and thus enriched our

- However there are juices that are not always to our taste, for example,
lemon juice, - we are wincing, refusing to drink it but it also contains energy.
At the moment we refusing lemon juice we spend part of our energy to
block this taste.
- But if we could relax and drink it all following up our sensations,
“the flashes” emerging at this moment in our body, it would mean that
we went into resonance with it and enriched our body with energy.

_The ability of coming into resonance means to agree with the
circumstances without giving them a meaning determined by your
feelings and comprehension of the whole situation.

- You can also go into resonance with any impulses: music (be it rock
or classic), pictures (beautiful or ugly), food (tasty or unpleasant),
movement (fast or slow), any physical actions (swimming or parachuting),
doing all these we come or do not come into resonance (blocking and
spending our energy).
- Thus it follows that if human energy store is less that the body volume,
illness occurs.

- It is possible to recover as soon as energy is restored.
P.S. – It is better to have a constant store of energy.

- Human energy can also be increased to such an extent that it can leave
the body limits and will expand the radius of its action.

- That is, we can enrich ourselves using different facilities, e.g.,
electrotechnical, coming into resonance with their signals and impulses.
Do not forget! Thoughts take away energy,
- if only we do not resonate with them but continue their logical sequence.
Just the same as with juice…,
- let them go through your mind, feel them and feel their effect on you.
«Drink them, bottoms up».
- AND YOU will be on TOP of the WORLD.

- We can come into resonance with our inner fear, hunger, pain, and so on;
«drinking them, bottoms up» we are enriched, because when we experience
these feelings our mind is turned to ourselves.

- Having stored the energy leaving the body limits we can by means of
feeling and desire attain different goals. For example, we can move in space
without common technical means using our energy field excited by desire.

- Also, using the feeling of desire we can move things at a distance and
manipulate them if they are within our energy zone.

- Plus thoughts and information exchange by means of feeling of desire.
- Most importantly is having enough energy.
- There is only one law in the universe: “the law of reflection or the law of
boomerang” – it is beyond all other laws.
- All that we do in respect to the surrounding world, people, animals, nature,
all these actions are mirrored and returned to us. Therefore, everything that
is going on at this moment in our life and around us is exactly what we deserve.

- Literally, there is NO SENSE in LIFE!
_ But if you consider life as a GAME, here comes sense at once, because
there is interest and excitement in any game and anticipation of a prize and
possible future events.
- For a full-grown game there is a need of ENERGY. _ The source of energy
is our MIND:
- What is our MIND focused on begins to enrich with energy. Mind is a
channel to the unlimited ocean of energy.

- MIND is the instrument creating all possible objects and different
psychological cobwebs during the game, i.e., logical thinking or THOUGHTS.
MIND is a very serious instrument, sometimes even dangerous but you can
use it to create beautiful things.
When you start using your MIND, namely, logical thinking there is a danger
that you will be possessed by it. And then it is not you who will create but
your mind will start manipulating you.
- Thoughts consume our energy and make us weak and sick.
- Many people think that thoughts emerging in their mind are their own,
- Although their real source can be another individual.
P.S. _ this is one of the game ruses.

- The feeling of DESIRE (with a sufficient amount of energy) is the
ABSOLUTE SUPER WEAPON to attain your goal.

_"It is impossible to avoid the battle, you can only delay it for your enemy’s
- Machiavelli, 1502"
- Once a boomerang has been sent in your game it will return according to
the single law of reflection, therefore it is useless to hide from it. _You’d
better relax and come into resonance with your own once triggered and
forgotten action.

- Learn to go into resonance with your feeling of fear, shame, uncertainty,
pain, suffering, etc., because the game consists not only of pleasant feelings
and sensations.

P.S. _ The knowledge and skills of doing the above will make you a perfect

- When you have played enough YOU can always quit the game plunging
into silence and indifference, vanishing into non-existence (А наигравшись,
ВЫ всегда можете выйти,
окунувшись в безмолвие и безразличие,
растворившись в небытие (the main thing is not to think about anything,
never, under no circumstances – DO NOT THINK).
_ about UNIVERSE_

- The universe has no beginning and no end.
- The total solitude of planets is everywhere, or, to be more exact, individuals
concentrated only on their feelings, sensations, thoughts and accumulation
of the material._ BUT! There is an exception – GAME called EARTH and
EARTHLINGS. Practically all planets of the universe take part in this game
and are even standing in line to play it in any forms of manifestations of
living creatures (bacteria, insects, animals, birds, fish, people, etc.). _Because
earthlings have all organs of perception and just feelings (touch, smell, vision,
haring, intuition, desire, fear, hunger, shame, joy, love, etc.).
- Here one can meet his twin soul and enjoy communication.
- Beyond the limits of the game there are only feelings of energy and thought
perception and a feeling of desire.
- Sun is a high-concentrated accumulation of enlightened souls not needing
material manifestation.
- There may be some super interesting communication taking place or game
going on :-)
_ SOUL is a bundle of energy with certain individual information.

_ A soul concentrated on itself begins to attract material particles, with time,
and as a result, a planet is formed.

_ A soul craving for communication and needing no matter joins Sun.

_ Young souls undergo a study course on earth, refining their skill in the game.

_ Souls that have not decided on their course are wandering in the universe
looking for uncommon sensations, or perhaps waiting for their turn to play
the game called earth.

_ Earth is a rich, informative, hospitable, God-given soul. It is an inter-spiritual
portal in general.

_ Souls that are bored with everything attract black holes to vanish forever.
- Now, that’s all. You are welcome.
Sergei Erdle -

_translated by Nora Greene
_endorsed by Andrey Karpishin -

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